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Great review for SECOND NATURE!

I just stumbled across this wonderful review on Amazon for Second Nature, book one of the Blood at First Sight Series! Thank you, Stephenee!  🙂

SecondNature-final cover

4.0 out of 5 stars A fun take on vampires, May 3, 2015
This review is from: Second Nature (Blood At First Sight Book 1) (Kindle Edition)
* I received an ebook in exchange for an honest review. *

This book is a paranormal romance book and it starts off a bit on the odd side – It begins with Alec stalking Desiree based on one glimpse and smell of her. I thought that the story was a bit slow going for the first few chapters but once Desiree and Alec actually meet the story gets much more interesting and has a much quicker pace.

The author made sure that the fact that Desiree was weary of men, relationships and getting close to anyone jumped right out to the reader. I felt like this was important for the story. Alec was also weary of being alone, getting too close to anyone and being out in the sunlight – and they both had good reasons for the way that they were. The author did an amazing job with the details of the characters and the reader was able to feel a connection to them. The details that the author used to describe Baltimore and the surrounding areas was spot on – including the restaurants and this made me love the book even more. If you have never been to Baltimore it will feel like you have after you finish reading this book!

The plot did start out a bit slow but by the middle you are hoping that it was a never-ending story. The reader can barely keep up with the twists, turns, loops and curves that the author throws out. The reader also can feel the emotions of the characters through the descriptive writing that the author uses. The ending was a bit of a cliffhanger in the fact that the reader wants to know what happens next to the characters that they have bonded with throughout the journey.

This is a fun read that has a bit of a different take on vampires and their blending into society. If you like vampire stories you will enjoy this one! Make sure that you add it to your TBR list and add it soon – it is a great afternoon read!

***Review has been done in conjunction with Nerd Girl Official.


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