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Romance Novel Memories, Plus a Reader Poll!

Check out this romance reader poll, and join in on the fun!

Marie Lavender- Multigenre Author

Romance Novel Memories, Plus a Reader Poll!


Do you remember the first romance novel you ever read, or even which romance story in a film, that made you ‘swoon’?

As a child I’d always been swept away by the tales of Snow White, Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty. And romantic comedy movies were wonderful! While I was growing up, I savored the Mary Anne/Logan couple dynamics in The Baby-Sitters Club book series.

Being a writer and a bookworm at heart, however, I must be true to my passion. The first romance novel I remember being simply thrilled with was Annette Curtis Klause’s The Silver Kiss. I was browsing my library at school. I think was about twelve or thirteen. I had just finished two other reads, The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle (YA historical), and Say Goodnight, Gracie (YA fiction/drama).

I needed a change, something altogether…

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Authors, Award, Books, Contemporary, Event, Fiction, Marie Lavender, Readers, Romance, Science Fiction, Writing


My first sci-fi romance, Blue Vision, has been nominated for the P&E Readers’ Poll. Yay! 😀 You can vote now in one of two categories, Romance or Science Fiction & Fantasy… Source: Vote for BLUE VISION!