Love, love poem, Message, poem, poems, Poetry, Readers, Relationships, Romance, Writing

“A Language of Our Own” – a poem

A Language of Our Own

Checking the minutes as they tick away on the clock,

my belly tightening in anticipation,

I try to keep myself busy.

Sometimes I still feel like that girl again –

when everything was new, the excitement was maddening –

I don’t think one can ever get used to it entirely.

Woman biting her lip

Gravel crunching outside,

my heart speeds up and I wonder…

Could it be?

Footsteps come up the walk and I open the door.

date: 2007/05/02 | release status: MR | release references: eri.JPG | date created: 2007:05:02

It’s you, the reason I have for breathing, for being –

I was made for you.

I’ve known in my soul forever, it seems.

We kiss and embrace.


In your arms, the world feels right once more,

everything is brighter,

more beautiful.


My heart yearns deeply for you.

We look at each other then.

Sometimes words aren’t necessary.

I know when you’re worried or sad, even happy.

I can see the affection in your eyes.


When you tell me how you love me,

the words are stronger because I can see you mean them.

We speak in a language of our own.

Even on a normal day,

when we chat on the phone,

or relate so well in person,

we have our own language

It’s always been this way, since the first day we met.

Our camaraderie is easy,



Even when we argue,

we come back to each other as equals.

Our bond is everything,


our union sacred,

our future forever.

We don’t need words,

but when we use them,

our laughter tells it all,

our private jokes,

the silliness,


the secrets and dreams we share.

It’s something no one understands –

our bond – yet it’s impossible to explain.

It just is,

like the way we breathe,

we just are.


We belong together,

we grow closer all the time,

more than friends,

shutterstock_soul mates

far more than lovers.

We are soul mates,

two people who share a deep connection.

Nothing can break us.


I don’t need words to say ‘I love you’.

I mean it with every breath I draw,

every moment I think of you through the day.

I feel it deep inside,

a part of me,


an ache for you that never eases.

I need you close to fill the void.

And all I have to do is gaze into your beautiful, hazel eyes.


Then you can see my heart.

For it’s yours…

it has always been.


And you don’t need to say anything,

I can see it on your face.

That’s right, love.

We have a language of our own…

and it’s perfect.


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