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Why Men Should Read Romance: a guest post by Rebecca A. Corio

Why should men read romance novels?

Let’s talk about romance novels for a minute. Romance novels come with a specific stigma. They’re “cheap, cheesy, trashy, not real literature”… Do any of these sound familiar? Then, there’s the fact that romance novels are written for women only. Aren’t they?

Maybe once upon a time. Now? That would be debatable. But consider, at least for the purpose of this post, that romance novels aren’t specifically written, NOT for men. Men read. As a matter of fact, men read a lot. And contrary to popular belief, a lot of men read.

Photo by Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash

So why not romance?

A large part of the responsibility for the common answers, can be placed squarely on our shoulders. That’s right, we women. Raise your hand if you’ve ever thought, out loud or otherwise, any of the following.

  1. Men don’t read.
  2. Men don’t like emotions.
  3. Men don’t know how to be romantic.
  4. All men care about is sex.

It is the twenty-first century, so do we really still believe those things? Unfortunately, yes. A lot of women do. And that is a problem. One that needs to be dealt with. The world outside is an everchanging landscape of chaos. Roles seem to have changed, fused together, and reemerged. Only now with a confusion that defies explanation.

Current trends show people are staying single. Women in particular, are choosing to remain single. Why? Today’s woman is a product of having been forced to adapt to provide for herself. To be stronger, smarter, more capable. Women have not just survived this assault. They have flourished. Where does that leave men? Perhaps in the dark about how to handle today’s woman. What if there were a cheat sheet on the nightstand next to you?

Here are a few reasons why men should read romance.

  • 1. Social media has claimed the role of end all, be all, for information, current trends, and popular opinion. Which also happens to set some fairly old stereotypes of who is the leader in the bedroom. But romance books are telling a new story. Women are leaders. They are strong and want to be treated as such. With respect and for their right to saying what they want and then expressing how much they enjoyed it.
  • 2. Fair is Fair. Women are expected to be the favorite porn star. Isn’t it equally fair her man should be able to play his woman’s favorite romance book hero?

3. Instead of a man constantly under pressure for the way society and social media are telling him he must perform, romance novels are full of wondrous variety. You aren’t dating IG or FB. You are dating the woman across the table from you.

Photo by Farhad Ibrahimzade on Unsplash
  • The goal is to find out what SHE likes.
  • 4. Remember in school, there was always more than one way to solve a math problem? Romance books offer different solutions. As well as showcasing the differences between the big three… sex, romance, and intimacy.

This… IS… Huge.

  • 5. A man reading romance is sexy. No further explanation needed.
  • 6. Lastly, 45 million books a year? Men, you shouldn’t need me telling you, finding out what’s in these books is imperative.

Now we’ve gotten to the nitty gritty of it. Everyone is different. Personality, performance, pleasure. (If you are an identical twin, please don’t blow up my socials to correct this. BTW, I stick by my statement. Everyone is different. Even you identicals.)

Reading romance means men have the chance to take a front row seat on how things affect women. All sorts of things.

Be brave enough to turn the page and see what else women like. Sure, there are common elements to romance novels. Just like there are commonalities to Dan, John, and Clive. Yet, each story is separate. In each, there is a different man. A different woman. They behave uniquely. As a reader, a man may recognize things about himself in the hero of the story. Just like women see parts of themselves in the heroine.

Contained within the pages of a romance novel are options to scenarios that may have vastly different outcomes than what a man is currently experiencing. If a novel is a rom-com, perhaps it will teach the male reader, it’s okay to laugh. Laughing is sexy. If a novel is romantic suspense, such as my novel, Storm Of Passion, there are numerous island facts to learn as well as safety preparedness precautions.

See, it isn’t all sex.

Romance novels are an opportunity to learn. A male reader of mine had this to say…

“Romance opened my eyes and gave me a more precise appreciation of intimacy. Emotional intimacy is so much more important…”

Men might be surprised to find much more than they expect behind that romance cover. Whether they are a rockstar in their relationship or just starting out, there is something to be learned if they are brave enough to disregard the bad rap romance novels get. Romance is fun. It makes people feel good.

And a book that makes you feel good… well, for the romance author, that means mission accomplished.

Nice! Some great food for thought for our romance readers! 😊

Thank you, Rebecca, for this useful article. ♥♥♥ Let’s take a look at this author’s latest book…



KEALAKEKUA, HI – Hawaii resident and debut romance author Rebecca A. Corio devises for readers a tempestuous story of island love and learning to trust in the middle of a storm. Heavily influenced by a connection with nature and drawing from her experience working in security, Corio creates a setting worthy of a vacation, as well as realistic characters and relationship dynamics that both male and female readers will love.

About the Book

In Storm of Passion, resort Safety Manager Savanah Jordan is still wheelchair-bound and in recovery from a surfing accident when she gets caught in a war between her boss and Race Weston, the new Civil Defense Director of Hawaii Island. With a category 4 hurricane almost upon them and preparations in full-swing, Savanah doesn’t have time for Race, even if he does take her breath away. Race can’t stop thinking about Savanah, even if she is as confusing as she is beautiful. But by refusing to follow his safety measures, she’s putting everyone in danger, including herself. When the storm hits and the two are forced to seek shelter together, Race realizes nothing is as it seems. Will Savanah and Race be able to set their differences aside to survive the hurricane, or will trusting each other prove too much for their weathered hearts?

Universal Reader Link:

Guest Blogger Bio

A former farm girl from the Midwest, Rebecca is blessed to now split her time between Hawaii and the Pacific Northwest. From beaches to woods, she loves the outdoors and animals of all kinds, with a particular fondness for the Akita and the beautiful Maine Coon. Rebecca finds romance in everyday life while running a family restaurant with her husband on the Big Island. A believer in “love at first sight” and “happily ever after,” Rebecca shares laughter, tears, and passion with readers through the stories she creates. She loves being the sunshine and light for those around her, and the advice she gives most often: When the Universe stops to sprinkle its pixie dust upon you, make sure your arms are open to receive it.



Facebook: @rebeccaacorio

Twitter: @rebeccaacorio

Instagram: @rebeccaacorio


Thanks again! We hope to see you back on ILRB sometime. 

As always, happy reading, everyone! Have a great rest of your week!

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