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Cute Ways to Incorporate Your Pet into Your Wedding: a guest post by Maggie Holmes

Cute Ways to Incorporate Your Pet into Your Wedding

Flower photo created by senivpetro –

When it comes to such an important event as your wedding day, it’s natural that you don’t want to leave your beloved pet out. Still, planning a wedding is hard enough as it is, and adding a pet to the mix comes with some extra work. Above all, you need to consider if they would be able to handle such an environment. There are a lot of safety considerations to keep in mind and besides your pet, you also need to think about your guests, your venue, as well as yourself.

If your dog is anxious among crowds of strangers or if your cat is an escape artist, perhaps they are not the right candidates for participating in the ceremony. You also don’t want them to accidentally eat something that’s not for them, come in contact with flowers that are poisonous or cause inconveniences to your guests. However, if your pet is sociable and well-trained, it’s worth making some adjustments so that they can safely participate.

Photo by Charles from Pexels
Photo by Lum3n from Pexels

Still, even if you decide it’s better for them to stay at home, there are many other ways to incorporate your pet into your wedding. Here are a couple of cute ways your furry friend can be a part of your unforgettable wedding memories!

A photo shoot is a must!

Something that you can do no matter what kind of animal you have is including them in your wedding (or engagement) photo shoot. Come up with creative photo ideas and let your photographer know of the extra participant so that they can also prepare!

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash
Image by MISS_SUMMER from Pixabay

You can have a lot of fun when it comes to the shoot; you can dress your furry friend up by getting them cute little accessories: sparkly, new pet ID tags, ribbons or bowties, or even full costumes if they are used to getting dressed up.

Image by Larry White from Pixabay
Image by Carolina Plüss from Pixabay
Image by Anastasia Doran from Pixabay

If you are doing an engagement photo shoot, you can use the photos to save the dates or display them by the guestbook at your wedding.

Just don’t forget to schedule a salon appointment for your furry friend before the photo shoot!

Make your pet your wedding theme

Another great way to incorporate your pet into your wedding if they cannot attend is by making them your wedding theme! This does not have to be anything extreme – it can be sophisticated and understated, too, if you choose so. For instance, including them in your wedding cake topper is a fun and cute idea that’s also easy to execute.

Available on Amazon
Available on Etsy
Source: boredpanda

Similarly, you can have a custom illustration designed which you can use for napkins and other decorative elements. If you want to go the extra mile, having desserts made in the shape of your pet is also something that will amuse your guests!

Pet-friendly wedding favors

A great way to show your love for not only your pet but animals in general is by preparing pet-friendly wedding favors. One of the options is including little treats in the wedding favors that the guests’ pets will be able to enjoy.

However, you can even go big and decide to donate instead of spending on fancy wedding favors. You can, for instance, donate to local shelters in your pet’s name and this way, not only create a beautiful memory but also help animals in need. What’s more appropriate for a pet-friendly wedding?

The cutest wedding party member

Finally, of course, it’s also a possibility to make your pet a wedding party member. For starters, your puppy can be a good greeter if the guests are also animal lovers like you. Not only will this create a friendly atmosphere, but your guests won’t get bored while waiting for the wedding to begin. Secondly, if you have an older, calmer, well-trained dog, they can be the ring bearer.

Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels

Even cats can assume this role by being carried or walked in wearing a harness – if they don’t mind the unfamiliar surroundings and people, of course. If you want a simpler role for them, your pet can also be a flower cat or dog and simply walk down the aisle alongside the flower girls. In any case, whether your pet will attend the ceremony or the reception, make sure that you have a designated pet sitter who will keep an eye on your pet, feed them, give them water and take them home when it’s time.

You know your pet the best so it’s up to you to decide how you will include them in your wedding. Be sure to put their needs first and have realistic expectations of them so that both you and your furry friend can enjoy this event fully.

Wedding photo created by freepic.diller –

Hopefully, the ideas we just mentioned gave you some inspiration for an unforgettable pet-friendly wedding day!

Wow, such cool tips!

Thank you, Maggie, for this useful article, offering some unique methods to include your pets in a wedding… ♥♥♥

Guest Blogger Bio

Maggie Holmes is a passionate blog writer who is extremely keen on writing about renovation and design. Her exclusive hobby is to surf the net to find amazing articles that can inspire her with some fresh ideas for article writing. She loathes being a common person who wastes her time. Follow her on Twitter.





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