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Five Adorable Young Adult Romances That Are Sure to Spark Joy: a guest post by Desiree Villena of Reedsy

Some of us could still use a small burst of joy to power through these next few weeks... not to mention some suitably breezy reading material for sunny days in the park. The good news is, YA rom-coms are just the ticket, and there are tons of amazing titles floating around these days. I’ve gathered five YA romances that will spark joy and provide a nice escape from the stress of daily life.

article, Blogging, Books, Contemporary, Dating Tips, Erotica, Event, Fantasy, feature, Guest Writer, Hope, Love, Message, Readers, reflections, Relationships, Research, Romance, romantic ideas, steamy, Stories, tips

Why Erotica Is the Missing Ingredient in Your Romantic Life: a guest post by Gabi Levi

Why Erotica Is the Missing Ingredient in Your Romantic Life   First, I want to explain what I mean by ‘romantic life.’ I don’t mean to sound like the beginning of a cheesy maid of honor speech, but the definition of romantic is an idealized view of reality. Inherently, a ‘romantic life’ is something that we align… Continue reading Why Erotica Is the Missing Ingredient in Your Romantic Life: a guest post by Gabi Levi

Authors, Blogging, Book News, Books, Contemporary, Event, Fiction, Gothic, Historical, Historical Romance, Interview, Literature, Marie Lavender, Message, Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, participants, Readers, Romance, Writers, Writing

20 Questions Book Tag

Hi, readers! I hopped on the bandwagon for this one. Thanks to the fascinating C.G. Drews at the Paper Fury blog, I stumbled across this awesome book tag post... She didn't officially tag me, just encouraged people to participate. So, I thought, hey, why not? I also missed Read A Book Day and International Literacy… Continue reading 20 Questions Book Tag